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Popular Press

Nater, C. (2025). Wie gewinnt eine Uni mehr Professorinnen? [How does a university attract more women professors?]. uniFOKUS, March 2025, 33. (Link)


Haines, S., Nater, C., & Sczesny, S. (2023). Overcoming Barriers to Increase Men’s Representation in Early Childhood Education and Care. Child Links, 2, 19-23. (PDF)


Pratelli, C. & Nater, C. (2021) Führungskräfte als Rollenmodelle [Corporate leaders as role models]. HR Today, 7-8. (Link)


Nater, C. (2021) So wirken Sie «Gender Biases» entgegen [How to reduce gender biases] Werkplatz Égalité. (Link)


Dorrough, A. R., Nater, C., & LeszczyÅ„ska, M. (2019). Die Frauenquote greift in mehreren europäischen Ländern: Was sind die positiven und negativen Nebenwirkungen? [The women’s quota is taking effect in several European countries: What are its positive and negative side effects?] Das In-Mind Magazin, 1. (Link)


Dorrough, A. R., Nater, C., & Leszczyńska, M. (2019). What are positive and negative side effects of gender quotas? International In-Mind Magazin, 12. (Link)

In addition to my passion for scientific writing, I greatly value the opportunity to share key insights and state-of-the-art findings through my writing for a broader audience.

Media Coverage (selected)

Illustrating my commitment to conduct research with a high practical relevance and impact for society, my work has been featured in various national and international media outlets.

Die Zeit: Campus (2023). Mansplaining: Benevolent sexism persists all the more tenaciously [Mansplaining: Wohlwollender Sexismus hält sich umso hartnäckiger]. (Link)


Über Medien (2022). Finally explained: Why men like to explain [Endlich erklärt: Warum Männer so gerne erklären] (Link)


INSEAD Knowledge (2019). What Makes for Inclusive Working Cultures? (Link)


New York Times (2019). Americans Finally Consider Women as Competent as Men (Link)


USA Today (2019). Women are now seen as equally intelligent as men, study finds (Link)


Business Insider (2019). Women are now seen as just as competent as men, but less ambitious — and it's a good and bad thing (Link)


Yahoo!Finance (2019). Women in the US are seen to be as smart as men, but not ready to lead (Link)


Psychology Today (2019). Have Gender Stereotypes Changed Since the Mid-20th Century? (Link)


Atlanta TV station (2019). Women seen as more competent than men, but less ambitious, study says (Link)


​​China Internet Information Center (2019). Women no longer regarded as less competent than men: study (Link)


Med India (2019). Women Now Seen as Equally as or More Competent Than Men: Study (Link)


Der Bund (2019). Frauen gelten jetzt als gleich kompetent wie Männer (Link)


Engendering Success in STEM Consortium (2021, December). Consortium Member Feature: Dr. Christa Nater (Link)


Interdisciplinary Center for Gender Research, University of Bern (2020, Fall). Durch Wissenschaft die soziale Diskriminierung in der Arbeitswelt verringern [Applying scientific knowledge to reduce social discrimination in workplace settings] (PDF)

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