Dr. Christa Nater
Social & Organizational Psychologist
As a psychologist, I know that good learning experiences are the beginning of growth and development processes. Acknowledging that everyone has their own background and current state of knowledge, I attempt to motivate my students by encouraging them to practice critical reflection and integrative thought that can be tapped into both in the classroom and beyond.
Throughout my academic career, I have had the opportunity to teach multiple courses and supervise students at all levels. Every time I enter a classroom or a meeting with students, I look forward to the mutual learning experience ahead.
Bachelor seminar “Stereotypes and prejudice”, Department of Psychology, University of Bern
​– Spring 2016, 2025
Master seminar “Reducing social discrimination”, Department of Psychology, University of Bern
– Fall 2023, 2019, 2018
Master seminar “Gender from a social psychological perspective”, Department of Psychology, University of Bern
– Fall 2020
Professional MBA residency “Inclusion and diversity”, Sauder School of Business, University of British Columbia, Canada
– Spring 2023
Supervision of Junior Researchers
Co-supervision of 2 Ph.D. students at University of Bern – 2017 to 2024
Supervision of 3 Honours’ thesis students at University of British Columbia – 2021 to 2023
Supervision of 15 Master’s thesis students at University of Bern – 2017 to present
Supervision of 6 Bachelor’s thesis students at University of Bern – 2024 to 2025
Supervision of 19 research assistants at University of Bern – 2017 to present
Outreach (selected)
​​I have had the ​opportunity to participate in a number of outreach opportunities that have reached a diverse audience. Sharing my passion about scientific research and its findings with organizations and the broader society alike is one of my favorite parts of the work I do. Over the last years, I appreciate having been invited for a wide range of outreach and knowledge transfer opportunities (selection of talks below).
Nater, C. (2025, March). The woman of today – still the dogsbody [Die Frau von heute - immer noch Mädchen für alles]. Wissenschaftscafé, Thun, Switzerland.
Nater, C. (2025, February). Gender-based inequalities in workplaces: Where they come from and how to address them. Colloquium, Department of Psychology, University of Geneva.
Nater, C. (2025, February). Why do gender stereotypes and social status expectations vary across cultures? Novel insights from public opinion polls. Colloquium, Department of Social Psychology, University Zurich.
Nater, C. (2023, November). The costs and consequences of gender bias in the workplace. Colloquia series of the Vetsuisse Faculty, University of Bern, Switzerland.
Nater, C. (2023, June 8; June 12; June 14). Unbewusste Vorurteile: Ursprung und Auswirkungen von Gender Biases [Unconscious biases: Origins and consequences of gender biases]. Mitarbeitenden-Workshops des Eidgenössisches Department für Verkehr, Umwelt, Energie und Kommunikation (UVEK).
Nater, C. (2023, January). Gender Diversity and Inclusion in STEM. Guest lecturer at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of British Columbia, Canada.
Nater, C. (2022, April). Herausforderung Gender Diversity: Ursprung und Auswirkungen von Gender Bias [The challenge of gender diversity: the origins and consequences of gender biases]. Kadertagung des Bundesamts für Zivilluftfahrt BAZL, Flughafen Zürich, Switzerland.
Nater, C. (2021, June). Teilnahme an der Kadertagung des Eidgenössisches Department für Verkehr, Umwelt, Energie und Kommunikation (UVEK) mit Schwerpunkt Geschlechterdiversität, in Magglingen, auf Einladung der Bundesrätin Simonetta Sommargua. [Participation at the management conference of the Federal Department of the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications (DETEC) on gender diversity, in Magglingen, by invitation from the Federal Council Simonetta Sommargua].
Nater, C. (2021, June) Vorurteile und Stereotype und deren Auswirkungen in der Rekrutierung und Entwicklung von Mitarbeitenden [Prejudices and stereotypes and how they may affect recruitment and development of employees]. HR-Tagung des Eidgenössischen Departments für Verkehr, Umwelt, Energie und Kommunikation (UVEK), Switzerland. (delivered remotely due to Covid-19)
Nater, C. (2021, June) «Gender Biases» in Rekrutierung und Beförderung: Wirkungsvolle Massnahmen und Tools [Gender biases in recruitment and promotion: Effective measures and tools]. Werkplatz Égalité des Kantons Bern, Switzerland. (delivered remotely due to Covid-19)
Nater, C. (2020, January). Geschlechtsstereotype und ihre Auswirkungen im beruflichen Kontext [Gender stereotypes and their implications for the workplace]. Neue Helvetische Gesellschaft, Switzerland.Nater, C. (2019, September). Frauenquoten im europäischen Vergleich: Wie erfolgreich sind sie? [Comparing gender quotas across Europe: How successful are they?]. Faculty of Law, University of Lucerne, Switzerland.
Nater, C. (2019, March). Do affirmative action measures help or hinder the development of gender balance in leadership positions in the long-run? INSEAD Business School, Singapore.